Chess on stamp want list

Jon Edwards,

Albania 1983 S2070-3: imp pair, set of 4 connected
Algeria 2004 blk4
Andorra Sc 469 imp pair, del sheet
Argentina #7851o,p FDC from San Miguel de Tucomen and San Salvadore de Jujuy
Austria #17 Hartburg 1947 red, violet
Belgium 1995 Sc 1576-9 Deluxe sheet
Brazil 1980 Sc 1723 proof
CAR 1983 FDC of collective sheet of 6
Chad 1983 Fischer gold foil 1v imperf; FDC of 6 SS with overprint, FDC of collective sheet of 6, albino overprints
Chad red overprints: Fischer gold foil imp, Steinitz gold foil perf and imp
Comores 1979 FDC of collective sheet of 3
Comores 1990 FDC of Gold foil SS, FDC of collective sheet of 2
Cuba 1951 Waterlow Specimen of Sc 463, 465, C44
Cuba 1962 1v imp
#158d Havana 1966 machine slogan postmark
Cuba 1988 6v, 6SS imp
Ceylon 1963 blk4
Congo 1977 GATT 1v, blk4, FDC
Congo 1983 Deluxe Sheet of 40F NS
Czechoslovakia, 1973 Praha FDC
Ecuador 1996 1v
France 1974 artist proof
Germany: Springer & Moller meter, Leipzig, 1928
Schachenmyer meter, Salach 1932 [Schmale 4.8]
#7 Munich 1936 reg cover with Telegraphenamt-Munich Type IA
Julius Springer meter, Berlin 1937 [Schmale 3.8]
#32 Dortmund dating error (1950 rather than 1951)
Schuh-König meter, Konstanz 1954 [Schmale 3.57]
Heinrich König meter, Frankfurt (Main) 1957 [Schmale 3.59]
Schachnovelle meters, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Frankfurt/Main 6, Hamburg 1, Munchen 22, 1960 [Schmale 4.2-6]
Springer & Moller meter, Hamburg-Bergedorf 1964-65 [Schmale 3.4-5]
#187a Grünwald 1967 (not showing the hour of use)
#191 Buschhütten 1967 error in date (1966)
Guinea Bissau 1983 imp of 7v+SS
Guinee 1987 FDC of 1v +SS
Guinee 1990
FDC compound sheet (no overprint)
Silver overprints: collective sheet (perf); FDC of compound sheet
Gold overprints: imp pair, blk4, collective sheet perf, imp
FDC: 1v gold overprint, SS gold overprint
Guinee 1993
Black overprint on birds WITH gold overprint – blk4
Red overprint on Animals – blk4
FDCs of Black on Birds (2); Black on animals
GB 1851 International exhibition
GB 1862 International exhibition
GB 1969-72 meter Chess Sutton Coldfield, Warwichire
GB 1989 Toys and Games: blk4
Hungary 1953 perf and imp gutter pairs
Iceland: Tickets to the Fischer-Spassky match: Missing tickets for games 17, 21
FDCs with diagram for each game: Missing FDCs for games 19, 20
Interested in obtaining reg covers for each day a game was played… missing 9 dates.
Italy: F7b Marostica 1968 with two rings
Jugoslavia: #195b Belgrade, 1968
#272a,d Sarajevo, 1970
1986 Art blk4, imp pair
Kampuchea – Cambodia 1994 blk4
Laos 1984 imp
Libya 1998 imp SS
Luxembourg 9-13 Jun, 1981, letter “o”
Maldives 1994 FDC
Malta Sc 577-9 FDC registered covers from Birzebbuga, Xaghra-Gozo
Mauritania 1984 Sc 555/557A FDC of collective sheet
Nicaragua 1983 Sc 1276-82 FDC with tabs
Paraguay 1982 blk4
Poland F3 Sopat 1951
F8 Kalisz 1964
Poland 1956
blk4 with different papers, plate numbers
40g without 3mm perforations
#241 1969 Warsaw violet
#332 1971 Wisla green
Poland 1974 Chess booklets [type II, III, IV, V booklets described by Schwab in CSR 119 (I have type I)]
Portugal Visea 6-9 June, 1971
Russia: 1948 blk4 for type 1, light printing
#51a Moscow 1956 black
#54 40 Kop postal stationary with two and three line overprints in violet
#55a Moscow 1957 black
#81a Moscow 1961 red
#86 Omsk 1961 red
#101 Tchelyabinsk 1963 black, violet
#107 Baku 1963 red
1970 Scott 3748 (Chess match in Space) blk4
Senegal 1999 Sc 1353 FDC (250F), FDC of sheet containing the 200F stamp
Somali 1998 Mi 710/12 blk4
Sweden: Stockholm Olympiad cancel for Aug 7, 1937 (Round 11, 12)
Switzerland 1968 error: missing blue color
Tunisia 1972 Sc 585 Deluxe sheet
Tuvalu 1986 Sc SS352 overprint train on mushrooms ($70-80)
Upper Volta, 1972 Sc C296/303 FDC of collective sheet
Vietnam 1983 Sc 1319/20 Sports FDC, blue proof
Vietnam 1991 Sc 2296/2301 FDC
Wallis and Futuna 1966 Sc 483 blk4
W Sahara 1999 blk4